Wayne Karlin, Larry Rottman, and Basil T. Paquet edited and published their collection of fiction from veterans of the United States' invasion of the Republic of Viet Nam 2 years before Saigon fell.
If there is an author in English or Vietnamese from that war with an oeuvre that has developed his subject both as a topic and as a perspective on the polyglot world that narrative fiction conjures,
that is Wayne. Had one of those books made a pile of money you would have heard about them all. How it works. The press takes heed of money. Since the author's books instead paid their way because people buy and read them,
you are hearing about this one from me. Never heard of Wayne, right? Here is where our great original as internationalist editor, Ezra Pound, followed his conscience into error,
inveighing against money making money sucking all substance out of human relations, making it impossible to make a living by useful work.
Taking in each other's washing is a dismissive phrase among economists for an economy that cannot pay. Why is that? What in the world is there more fundamental to life but to clean up?
Say, after a war. Sadly, Ezra called it usury, once a sin in Christendom, and a basis ever since for hating Jews. The poet went to work for Mussolini who found his enthusiasm unsettling.
Of course both the law of the Jews and the cause of Zionism are rather daily and grand acts of resistance to the destruction of the human and the holy. So is Wayne's life work.
Here is my second Viet Nam letter of 3 written so far in a slow crawl through this first book from a great man of letters from around Viet Nam. It concerns a Special Forces sergeant,
of whom I have known many all my adult life, who was my neighbor in Hillsborough just north of here, who wrote humor from the secret war and its minority troops,
all in all just my kind of thing yet I never had heard of him until I sat down to go carefully through this book I have owned since it came out. Loyd Little is dead now and Wayne says he had not been in touch since working on the book.
Please consider signing up for the countable audience for a body of work all around you that likely you too never have heard of. Please consider patronizing the others at $50/year.
Please consider subsidizing the whole effort at $250/year. We run at less than half the budget the Internal Revenue Service calls small. The war machine of the United States
encourages your support by deducting that gift from the income they tax, because we give you nothing in return that we don't already give everyone without charge.
Promotional copy:
Wayne Karlin, Larry Rottman, and Basil T. Paquet edited and published their collection of fiction from veterans of the United States' invasion of the Republic of Viet Nam 2 years before Saigon fell.
If there is an author in English or Vietnamese from that war with an oeuvre that has developed his subject both as a topic and as a perspective on the polyglot world that narrative fiction conjures,
that is Wayne. Had one of those books made a pile of money you would have heard about them all. How it works. The press takes heed of money. Since the author's books instead paid their way because people buy and read them,
you are hearing about this one from me. Never heard of Wayne, right? Here is where our great original as internationalist editor, Ezra Pound, followed his conscience into error,
inveighing against money making money sucking all substance out of human relations, making it impossible to make a living by useful work.
Taking in each other's washing is a dismissive phrase among economists for an economy that cannot pay. Why is that? What in the world is there more fundamental to life but to clean up?
Say, after a war. Sadly, Ezra called it usury, once a sin in Christendom, and a basis ever since for hating Jews. The poet went to work for Mussolini who found his enthusiasm unsettling.
Of course both the law of the Jews and the cause of Zionism are rather daily and grand acts of resistance to the destruction of the human and the holy. So is Wayne's life work.
Here is my second Viet Nam letter of 3 written so far in a slow crawl through this first book from a great man of letters from around Viet Nam. It concerns a Special Forces sergeant,
of whom I have known many all my adult life, who was my neighbor in Hillsborough just north of here, who wrote humor from the secret war and its minority troops,
all in all just my kind of thing yet I never had heard of him until I sat down to go carefully through this book I have owned since it came out. Loyd Little is dead now and Wayne says he had not been in touch since working on the book.
Please consider signing up for the countable audience for a body of work all around you that likely you too never have heard of. Please consider patronizing the others at $50/year.
Please consider subsidizing the whole effort at $250/year. We run at less than half the budget the Internal Revenue Service calls small. The war machine of the United States
encourages your support by deducting that gift from the income they tax, because we give you nothing in return that we don't already give everyone without charge.