Captain Blackman, bleeding out on a stump of the Republic of Viet Nam, teaches responsibility for the United States of America. He revisits it all in terms of the enslaved and the formerly enslaved fighting since Lexington for our pirate republic.
He has been teaching this burden to his troops in the Black Power moment of the war, when John A. Williams wrote his Blacks Arts novel for us all. Black Americans are the original United States citizens. They built the place and belong nowhere else.
If you want to learn this country, and whatever the hell our occupation of the Republic of Viet Nam could possibly have been about, I suggest you attend to the captain and to his creator.
Here is the third of my Viet Nam letters introducing them. I have put the first 2 in comments below. The fourth is already standing by for next month.
Read what I have to say about reading his novel and you complete my purpose. Should you patronize all the readers at $50/year or this whole public health intervention at $250/year, we will appreciate it.
Captain Blackman, bleeding out on a stump of the Republic of Viet Nam, teaches responsibility for the United States of America. He revisits it all in terms of the enslaved and the formerly enslaved fighting since Lexington for our pirate republic.
He has been teaching this burden to his troops in the Black Power moment of the war, when John A. Williams wrote his Blacks Arts novel for us all. Black Americans are the original United States citizens. They built the place and belong nowhere else.
If you want to learn this country, and whatever the hell our occupation of the Republic of Viet Nam could possibly have been about, I suggest you attend to the captain and to his creator.
Here is the third of my Viet Nam letters introducing them. I have put the first 2 in comments below. The fourth is already standing by for next month.
Read what I have to say about reading his novel and you complete my purpose. Should you patronize all the readers at $50/year or this whole public health intervention at $250/year, we will appreciate it.