The United States' War in Vietnam (i)
from Michael Myerson and the W.E.B. Dubois Clubs of America
I never before have read it put that way. The Vietnamese Communists and foreign historians who collaborate with them speak in whatever language of “the American war.”
That is commie bullshit. The comrades and the fellow travelers elide the war for Viet Nam between Ha Noi and Saigon, who both claimed the nation. They also implicate or slight the many other nations of the Americas.
Seriously. Mexicans and the rest regard themselves as Americans. Before you speak instead of North America, recall that Mexico is north of Central America and poor Canada doesn’t want to be lumped in with us.
Oh, and the Caribbean. You know, Cuba and Haiti. Also North America.
So I like this title. THE UNITED STATES’ WAR IN VIETNAM. The war that our federal government conducted in their country.
Wait, there’s more. Michael is a bona-fide Communist who supported Ha Noi in their war with Saigon as well as the one with the United States. Look him up. Still living, he once served on the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the United States of America.
25 cents
2 comic books and a candy bar and change. Minimum wage was $1.25/hour.
The clubs were an initiative of the CPUSA in 1964. They honored the historian William Edgar Burghardt Du Bois, founder in 1909 of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, who had joined the CPUSA at an advanced age in protest to the McCarran Act of 1961 to hunt down and detain subversives.
The day after Du Bois died in 1963 the subversive Roy Wilkins of the NAACP asked the 1 quarter of 1 million subversives gathered at the march at Washington to honor the great man. So, as an imprint, what do the W.E.B. Du Bois Clubs conjure with regard to Viet Nam?
[dated January 15, 1965 on page 26 of 28]
When we mean the air war over the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam we may say that the THE UNITED STATES’ WAR IN VIETNAM began with Rolling Thunder on March 5, 1965. When we mean the occupation of the Republic of Viet Nam we may start when the United States Marine Corps landed at Da Nang 3 days later on March 8.
The decoration on the cover is the silhouette as from an air defense flip-book of a B-52 such as began bombing our ally the Republic of Viet Nam 3 months later, in June. By the way, they attack from too high to see from the ground so that silhouette is no good for plane-spotting. Not sure who used them.
What we have here is a study of THE UNITED STATES’ WAR IN VIETNAM before it began, by a Communist not a dupe, publishing with the imprint of an outstanding scholar of the United States. It’s good work. Stayed tuned.
Viet Nam letters respects the property of others under paragraph 107 of United States Code Title 17. If we asked for permission it wouldn’t be criticism. We explain our fair use at length in the letter of September 12, 2022.
The colophon of these Viet Nam letters, directly above, shows the janitor speaking with poet David A. Willson on a Veterans Day.